Specifically Customised Courses
These events are not off-the-shelf courses, they're more like Cordon Bleu (highest-class) training and development. Speak to us today about pricing.

Mutually Convenient Time
This course can be arranged for a mutually convenient time either in-house or at a central London venue. Once you've told us of your interest in the course, we will contact you to arrange the date/time/venue details.

Course Overview
- Course 1 - Return on YOUR Investment Workshop
- Course 2 - CO-CONSULTING - Training for Personal & Professional Development
- Course 3 - Morale Boosting – Laughter Workshop
- Course 4 - Creative Problem-Solving Workshop
- Course 5 - Teambuilding Workshop
Maps, local hotels and amenities - all the local research in one document for you
- Course Summary
- Testimonials
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- Our Guarantee
Course Information
Course Summary
Course 1 - Return on YOUR Investment Workshop
All courses benefit from CIMA Accreditation
Incorporate creativity as an effective problem-solving tool to conquer business challenges. Learn how to creatively generate ideas and conduct productive brainstorming sessions to foster organisational creativity and innovation. PLUS an exclusive method that is guaranteed to be cost-conscious and profit-producing.
Who will benefit?
Large and small business owners, Corporations, Government Departments, CEO’s, Team Leaders and Management staff will benefit by making Creative Problem-Solving processes an invaluable asset in today’s competitive business environment.
Course Outcomes - Participants will learn how to facilitate:
- Adapting to different thinking styles in group and team environments
- Recognizing and removing barriers to individuals, teams, and departments
Fostering an innovative environment in the workplace
- Recognizing and removing barriers to individual and group creativity
- Presenting ideas clearly and concisely for maximum stakeholder buy-in
‘Tapping into unconscious knowledge to produce the ‘eureka’ effect, utilizing processes immediately in their workplace to rapidly solve day-to-day problems efficiently and effectively with total ‘team buy in’.
- Transforming their creative problem-solving skills into practical business solutions
© The Margolis Wheel TM - an opportunity to participate in a unique process where almost any business problem can be solved using the skills and techniques learned in the seminar. Each participant will be requested to present a ‘business problem’ (minimum value £10k) that will be resolved with realistic, cost-conscious, and profit-producing solutions.
Workshop Style
The presenter’s style is based on using a combination of dynamic participatory exercises that truly engage an audience:
- Participative and highly interactive
- Experiential
- Leading-edge
- Proven and effective
- Tailored
- Effective in changing people’s behaviour
- Fun, exciting, memorable
The workshop is highly participative and entertaining, and runs in accelerated learning by-doing mode. Delegates with ‘open minds’ will appreciate how using innovative and creative techniques will provide cost-conscious and profit-producing solutions, improve internal and external ‘customer’ delight, develop better team building and increase personal and professional development in their organizations.
Your facilitator for the day is one of the UK’s leading experiential trainers, Alan Margolis. Please look closely at Alan's profile. His experience is second to none.
The ideas generated during the event will, when implemented, achieve a significant and lasting impact on our activities and outputs – and participants have estimated they will lead to benefits worth over £500k. The participants have since met to consider future learning needs and how to deal with some issues identified at the seminar. Once again, you have shown that you can be relied upon to provide events that make a real impact.’
I.W - Director, Government Office London - Trade & Industry division
‘We decided to go straight into ‘The Margolis Wheel’ consultation exercise, and by the end of the session, we had saved the university £30,000. The Personnel Director felt this session was very worthwhile. We have now identified at least two other sessions (one with Heads of Departments themselves) where we could use the same techniques.
K.M - Staff Development Advisor, University of Bristol
‘The course will help us to reclaim about £0.5m to £1m of operating costs from our forthcoming budget as well as assisting us in nailing some top line and profitability related items for the next two years. Excellent feedback from the IE crew too.’’
H.W Phd MBA - Chief Executive - Intelligent Energy
‘Wow! .Best I have been on. Very encouraging. Keep up the good work’.
Dr B.C (Psychol) AfbpsS - CIPD Course Director - Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
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Course 2 - CO-CONSULTING - Training for Personal & Professional Development
All courses benefit from CIMA Accreditation.
'Co-Consulting' is a process in which two people exchange time and attention and help each other think more clearly and act more powerfully. The theory and practice have evolved over the last fifty years. It started by observing what helped people grow without any preconceptions. It is now the simplest and most profound approach to improving human functioning between people in organizations.
We start by assuming that people are fundamentally good, creative, and effective. We sometimes have difficulties when we are hurting, or something happens that reminds us of a time when we were hurting. It is hard to think productively when in the grip of painful emotion. The natural mechanisms for releasing emotion (talking, laughing, sweating, shaking, storming, crying, and yawning) were all available to us as young people. When this emotional release is finished, the person re-evaluates his or her experience, can think more clearly, and act more powerfully.
Unfortunately, people around us often inhibit the natural process because they mistake releasing emotion (the healing of the hurt) for the hurt itself. (Big boys don't cry etc.).
Co-Consulting offers a systematic way for people to use and recover the natural processes of emotional release. Then we are freer of internalized conditioning and are able to be more flexible and be more in charge of our own lives and, at the same time, more professional and productive within our organizations.
Co-Consulting practice
The core of the co-consulting practice is the session. In a session, one person, the consultant, listens, pays attention, facilitates, and encourages the release of feelings. The client talks and expresses their feelings and re-evaluates. The subject matter can be anything that the client chooses. At the end of the client's time, the roles are reversed. The process becomes increasingly effective with increased experience and confidence in each other.
How do you learn it?
The best way is to experience it in a safe environment. The experience of being listened to profoundly without interruption is so rare and useful that one good session often leaves a person permanently interested in repeating the experience.
Your facilitator for the day is one of the UK’s leading experiential trainers, Alan Margolis.
Client feedback & Evaluations:
‘Received friendship, support, closeness, freeness, plus, plus, plus!’
P.F Marks and Spencer Plc
‘A wonderful experience. I really appreciate learning how to relax and nurture myself.’
Training Manager - Coopers, Lybrand, Price Waterhouse
‘The Institute will highly value the results of this course. The safe environment enabled every one of us to fully participate and to see people and departments in a new light. The entire course has been worthwhile for the Institute and for us as individuals.’
C.I - The University of London - Institute of Education
‘It was such a lively course. It was enjoyed by all. There were so many aspects that people found really useful and beneficial.’
B.W Training Co-Ordinator - AMI Healthcare International
‘Co-Consulting has helped us get in touch with important feelings and given us permission to ask colleagues for what we want. It has also enabled us to accept conflict and problem-solve. We now know how to really listen and understand the feelings behind the words and actions.’
B.T - British Medical Association
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Course 3 - Morale Boosting – Laughter Workshop
All courses benefit from CIMA Accreditation
"A clown is like an aspirin, only they work twice as fast." (Groucho Marx)
Learn how to boost morale in your workplace and home because Laughter is good for your Business, Home, Life, Soul and Body! - Businesses with happy staff have happy customers!
Research has shown the health benefits of laughter, ranging from strengthening the immune system to reducing food cravings and increasing one's pain threshold. Humour also has several important stress-relieving benefits.
What may surprise you, even more, is that researchers estimate that laughing 100 times equals 10 minutes on the rowing machine or 15 minutes on an exercise bike. Laughing can be a total body workout! Blood pressure is lowered, and there is an increase in vascular blood flow and oxygenation of the blood, further assisting healing.
Laughter also gives your diaphragm, abdominal, respiratory, facial, leg, and back muscles a workout. That's why you often feel exhausted after a long bout of laughter -- you've just had an aerobic workout!
We've long known that the ability to laugh is helpful to those coping with major illnesses and the stress of work and life's problems. Researchers are now saying laughter can do a lot more -- it can bring balance to all the components of the immune system, which helps us fight off diseases.
Business and Social Benefits of Laughter: Laughter connects us with others. Also, laughter is contagious, so if you bring more laughter into your life, you can help others around you laugh more and realize these benefits. By elevating the mood of those around you, you can reduce their stress levels and perhaps improve the quality of business and social interaction you experience with them, reducing your stress level even more.
Laughter reduces levels of certain stress hormones. In doing this, laughter provides a safety valve that shuts off the flow of stress hormones and the fight-or-flight compounds that swing into action in our bodies when we experience stress, anger or hostility. These stress hormones suppress the immune system, increase the number of blood platelets (which can cause obstructions in arteries) and raise blood pressure. When we're laughing, natural killer cells that destroy tumours and viruses increase, as do Gamma-interferon (a disease-fighting protein), T-cells, which are a major part of the immune response, and B-cells, which make disease-destroying antibodies.
Physical and Mental Outcomes:
- Lowering blood pressure - Workplace Stress Management Techniques
- Increasing morale in the workplace and improving staff relationships
- Customers like doing business with happy staff members
- Increasing productivity and energy in the business environment
- Greater creativity in improving cost-conscious and profit-producing results
Your facilitator for the day is one of the UK’s leading experiential trainers, Alan Margolis.
Previous client feedback:
Everyone was engaged, present, and open in their fulsome responses. Feedback was effusively positive and energetic. If you want to learn while laughing this is your course.
S.T Lead WPR Locality Manager - Royal Society of Arts
It was a fun course which helped staff to bond and we also learned a lot of practical skills to improving communication with staff.
M.C housing Manager - YMCA
‘Thank you so much for delivering such a unique training course. Just some comments received ‘Best course I have ever attended’ - ‘Enjoyed the course so much’ ‘introduced to some fascinating and useful exercises’
H.G - Training Manager - RSPB
‘Well, the feedback from the course has been tremendous. All the attendees have been at my desk demanding to be placed on another module of this course already!’
GF - Training Manager - Intercontinental - SmithKline Beecham
‘It was a very interesting training course that had a great effect on all the participants’
A.F - Institute of Development Studies, Sussex.
‘In terms of positive outcomes, we are delighted. The team now consists of dedicated, loyal, and positive individuals who now feel good about themselves, each other, and the service they are giving. What more can we ask?’
M.C - Training Manager - Crown Prosecution Service
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Course 4 - Creative Problem-Solving Workshop
All courses benefit from CIMA Accreditation
Incorporate creativity as an effective problem-solving tool to conquer business challenges. Learn how to creatively generate ideas and conduct productive brainstorming sessions to foster creativity and innovation in organizations
Who will benefit?
Large and small business owners, CEO’s, Department heads, Team Leaders, and Management staff will benefit by making Creative Problem-Solving processes an invaluable asset in today’s competitive business environment.
Course Overview
- Adapting to different thinking styles in group and team environments
- Fostering an innovative environment in the workplace
- Recognizing and removing barriers to individual and group creativity
- Presenting ideas clearly and concisely for maximum stakeholder buy-in
‘Tapping’ into unconscious knowledge to produce the ‘eureka’ effect.
Utilizing processes immediately in their workplace to rapidly resolve day-to-day problems efficiently and effectively with total ‘team buy-in’.
- Transforming their creative problem skills into practical business solutions
Workshop Style
The presenter’s style is based on using a combination of dynamic participatory exercises that truly engage an audience.
- Participative and highly interactive
- Experiential
- Leading-edge
- Proven and effective
- Tailored
- Effective in changing people's behaviour
- Fun, exciting, memorable
The workshop is highly participative, and entertaining and runs in accelerated ‘learning by doing mode. Delegates with ‘open minds’ will appreciate how using innovative and creative techniques will provide cost-conscious and profit-producing solutions, improve internal and external ‘customer’ delight, develop better team building, and increase personal and professional development in their organizations.
Your facilitator for the day is one of the UK’s leading experiential trainers, Alan Margolis.
Client Feedback
‘Intensive, lively and very useful. Positive environment for learning. One of the most enlightening courses we have ever been on. The course was highly motivating and has facilitated a network which will be of benefit in solving work-related problems through drawing on the experience of others and the pooling of ideas and techniques.'
B.W- National Organisation Manager - National Farmers Union
The overall impression of all the participants was very favourable. The course has provoked considerable change. The opportunity for introspection and reflection was widely recognized. We will benefit from this course for a long time. It was very intensive, run with enormous enthusiasm and energy, and really professionally’.
J.P Director - International Institute for Environment and Development
‘The feedback from all the attendees was very positive about the outcomes. Very well run, fit for purpose, enjoyable, positive, better foundation to build on, very good team-building atmosphere, excellent’
C.C. Quality Management Advisor - Shell International HQ
‘The training was indeed an experience, enlightening and enjoyable. All people reacted favourably and thought the event was mind-boggling and a number of suggestions for change have already put into practice as well as progress on some deeper issues’
K.B. - Training Manager - The Bank of England
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Course 5 - Teambuilding Workshop
All courses benefit from CIMA Accreditation
Teambuilding is an essential part of the management toolkit for the 21st century. Increasingly people need to work more cooperatively and effectively in teams or groups so their organizations achieve more successful outcomes.
Who will benefit?
Large and small business owners, CEO’s, Leaders, Department heads, Managerial staff, Team Leaders, Team members, Sales and support staff, and Partnership teams with internal/external customers or suppliers will benefit by making Team Building processes an invaluable asset in today’s competitive business environment.
Course Overview
Using vital people skills to improve performance through people. Encouraging exciting working environments - creating the right working atmosphere, ambiance, and relationships. Improving rapport building, listening skills, non-verbal communication, influencing, motivational and interpersonal skills. Building a high-performance team that develops trust, enthusiasm, and mutual support.
Learning key principles for creating internal and external 'customer delight'.
Being inspired and inspiring!
Creating the difference that makes the difference - new thinking styles for increasing behavioural and emotional flexibility. Using a range of practical skills and techniques to enhance individual and team performance. Achieving more positive results from people by improving communication styles.
'Those with the greatest flexibility have the greatest choices'.
The Margolis Wheel TM - an opportunity to participate in a unique process where almost any team-building problem can be resolved using the skills and techniques learned in the seminar.
Winners get Going!
Workshop Style
The presenter’s style is based on using a combination of dynamic participatory and interactive exercises that truly engage an audience and will be adapted in situ to meet the specific needs of those attending.
- Participative and highly interactive
- Experiential
- Leading-edge
- Proven and effective
- Tailored
- Effective in changing people’s behaviour
- Fun, exciting, memorable
The workshop is highly participative, entertaining and runs in accelerated ‘learning by doing’ mode. Delegates with ‘open minds’ will appreciate how using innovative and creative techniques will provide cost-conscious and profit-producing solutions, improve internal and external ‘customer’ delight, develop better team building, and increase personal and professional development in their organizations.
Feedback from clients:
‘The training was, overall, a valuable experience. It certainly provided an opportunity to build a team spirit and to work together on learning new methods of verbal and non-verbal communication, interpersonal skills, negotiating techniques, creative problem-solving, and discussion techniques - all areas of great importance to us.
C.H.R - Training Director - FAO of The United Nations
‘Your course was fantastic and a huge inspiration for our staff and supporters. A
thoroughly enjoyable experience - you got the best out of the audience’
A.B - Community Director - Breakthrough Breast Cancer
‘The course was considered by all those who attended to be most beneficial,
especially those like myself who are heavily involved in the process of organizational
S.M - Senior Training & Staff Development Officer - British Aerospace PLC
‘I had high expectations which were surpassed. An outstanding event that fully
achieved its objectives’ - A.K -Training Manager - Lloyds Bank Plc
Your facilitator for the day is one of the UK’s leading experiential trainers, Alan Margolis.
The ideas generated during the event will, when we implement them, achieve a significant and lasting impact on our activities and outputs – and participants have estimated they will lead to benefits worth over £500k. The participants have since met to consider future learning needs and how to deal with some of the issues identified at the seminar. Once again you have shown that you can be relied upon to provide events which will make a real impact’I.W - Director, Government Office London - Trade & Industry division
‘We decided to go straight into ‘The Margolis Wheel’ consultation exercise and by the end of the session we had saved the university £30,000 pounds. The Personnel Director felt this session was very worthwhile. We have now identified at least two other sessions (one with Heads of Departments themselves) where we could use the same techniques’K.M - Staff Development Advisor, University of Bristol
‘Wow! ...’Best I have been on’ ... very encouraging. Keep up all the good work’.Dr B.C (Psychol) AfbpsS - CIPD Course Director - Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
‘Received friendship, support, closeness, freeness, plus, plus, plus!’P.F -Marks and Spencer Plc
‘A wonderful experience. I really appreciate learning how to relax and nurture myself.’Training Manager - Coopers, Lybrand, Price Waterhouse
‘The Institute will highly value the results of this course. The safe environment enabled every one of us to fully participate and to see people and department in a new light. The entire course has been worthwhile for the Institute and for us as individuals.’C.I - The University of London - Institute of Education
‘It was such a lively course. It was enjoyed by all. There were so many aspects that people found really useful and beneficial.’B.W Training Co-Ordinator - AMI Healthcare International
‘Co-Consulting has helped us get in touch with important feelings and ask colleagues for what we want. It has also enabled us to accept conflict and problem solve. We now know how to really listened and understand the feelings behind the words and actions.’B.T - British Medical Association
Everyone was engaged, present and open in their fulsome responses. Feedback was effusively positive and energetic. If you want to learn while laughing this is your course.S.T Lead WPR Locality Manager - Royal Society of Arts
It was a fun course which helped staff to bond and we also learnt a lot of practical skills to improving communication with staff.M.C housing Manager - YMCA
‘Thank you so much for delivering such a unique training course. Just some comments received ‘Best course I have ever attended’ - ‘Enjoyed the course so much’ ‘introduced to some fascinating and useful exercises’H.G - Training Manager - RSPB
‘Well, the feedback from the course has been tremendous. All the attendees have been at my desk demanding to be placed on another module of this course already!’GF - Training Manager - Intercontinental - SmithKline Beecham
‘It was a very interesting training course that had a great effect on all the participants’A.F - Institute of Development Studies, Sussex.
‘In terms of positive outcomes, we are delighted. The team now consists of dedicated, loyal and positive individuals who now feel good about themselves, each other, and the service they are giving. What more can we ask?’M.C - Training Manager - Crown Prosecution Service
‘Intensive, lively and very useful. Positive environment for learning. One of the most enlightening courses we have ever been on. The course was highly motivating and has facilitated a network which will be of benefit in solving work related problems through drawing on the experience of other and pooling of ideas and techniques.’B.W- National Organisation Manager - National Farmers Union
The overall impression of all the participants was very favourable. The course has provoked considerable change. The opportunity for introspection and reflection was widely recognised. We will benefit from this course for a long time. It was very intensive, run with enormous enthusiasm and energy, and really professionally’.J.P Director - International Institute for Environment and Development
‘The feedback from all the attendees were very positive about the outcomes. Very well run, fit for purpose, enjoyable, positive, better foundation to build on, very good team building atmosphere, excellent’C.C. Quality Management Advisor - Shell International HQ
‘The training was indeed an experience, enlightening and enjoyable. All people reacted very favourably and thought the event was very worthwhile and a number of suggestions for change that have already put into practice as well as progress on some deeper issues’K.B. - Training Manager - The Bank of England
‘Your course was fantastic and a huge inspiration for our staff and supporters. A thoroughly enjoyable experience - you got the best out of the audience’A.B - Community Director - Breakthrough Breast Cancer
‘The course was considered by all those who attended to be most beneficial, especially those like myself who are heavily involved in the process of organisational change.S.M - Senior Training & Staff Development Officer - British Aerospace PLC
‘I had high expectations which were surpassed. An outstanding event that fully achieved its objectives’A.K -Training Manager - Lloyds Bank Plc
We offer a totally confidential service and encourage liaising with clients before they consider booking courses. We recognise the significant investment in your time and resources. We accept your tight timescales and eagerness to take the next steps. Our payment options are practical and simple. For your security, we hold no client payment details online. With ever sophisticated cybercrime, your safety and security are paramount.
Our Guarantee
The College of Public Speaking is the UK's leading specialist public speaking organisation. All of our trainers are not just qualified in their field, but passionate specialists who live and thrive in that sphere. Our guarantee is that you'll enjoy a great learning experience at our course centre in Kings Cross. The Kings Cross venue is a 5-minute walk from the London Underground, British Rail, and the Eurostar terminals. Accessibility is key - so come and join us within the next month. Check our Offers page to see what's hot this month.
"An exceptionally useful day's training, delivered in a positive and personanable manner, very enjoyable and significant food for thought. Thank You."
"The anxiety is gone - now that I understand it. Not only can I make a presentation - I feel I have so much to give now. It's quite a transformation."
"Since attending the course, I feel like a completely different person; more confident, relaxed and easy going. I gave a speech at work last week and it went so so well."