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5 Day Leadership and Management Training

by College of Public Speaking

A comprehensive 5-day leadership and management course, where you learn to manage a team and run it effectively. Learn more here and book yours.

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Course Overview

A comprehensive 5-day Leadership and Management training. This discipline is not for the faint-hearted. It requires knowledge and experience, but how do you get that when you're new to the job? Well, you can learn a lot from an expert. It will help your reputation and save you a lot of sleepless nights.

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Course Information

Course Summary

The discipline of Leadership and Management is not for everyone

It can be lonely in a culture of blame. It can be frustrating when your vision isn't accepted.

It can be anxiety-inducing when essential tasks aren't executed satisfactorily.

The good news is that there's a solution for everything.

You just need to know a little bit about psychology and really understand what you want to achieve.

Great communication is at the heart of all success.

That too can be learned over time. Understanding when and where to intervene is essential.

Here's what you'll learn in this 5 Day Leadership and Management Course:

Day 1: Developing Yourself 

What it takes to become a great leader and manager

Leaders and managers serve different purposes. Our world needs both. In the words of management guru Peter Drucker, leadership is doing the right things. Management is doing things right.

You'll learn:

  • why leadership comes first and understanding what it means to be a leader. Anita has to transition from executing an agreed strategy to becoming the person who leads the vision and the mission of the business. Leadership starts with yourself, i.e. understanding self-leadership and its importance to your success as an influencer. Anita has to learn how to interact, communicate and influence her team in a way that turns them into believers and followers.
  • how to transition from 'doing' to 'leading'. Jay makes his transition from the responsibility for his own sales targets to leading a team of salespeople to collectively deliver on their individual sales targets. He finds he misses the adrenalin of making the sale and finds managing his team far harder than dealing with customers.
  • how to make decisions even when you don't have all the facts or control over the outcomes. As Anita learns to look at the big picture, she finds that she must take a long-term view with little certainty. She factors in a number of unknown variables and is yet clear and decisive.
  • how to build trust and nurture loyalty in your followers and team members. This may be more of a challenge for Jay than for Anita, as both are outside of their comfort zones and need to find their own authentic way of engaging with their colleagues.
  • why delegation is so important and how to do it well. Delegating well and consistently creates more time for other more value-adding work and also gives others a chance to take on more responsibility in a safe way.
  • how to create a great team by tapping into complementary skills and collaboration. Awareness of your own strengths and blind spots is an important starting point. Not everyone in your team needs to be good at everything. Create an ecosystem that allows people to discover what they're really good at, and then connect different skill sets in a way that generates value for your clients and for your business on how to give and receive feedback in a constructive manner. Becoming a leader and manager can feel uncomfortable because you have to deal with people's difficulties and emotions. Doing so in an empathetic manner makes all the difference.
  • the importance of training, mentoring, and coaching and how to create a great return on investment from it. Mark is a thoughtful leader and invests in the personal and professional development of his staff. He's created a network on internal mentors and encourages his staff to join external mentorship programs to accelerate their personal and professional growth. As a result of this, his firm has low staff turnover, saving thousands of pounds per annum.
  • how to overcome setbacks and resolve conflicts. Learning to deal with conflict (internal or external) and avoiding any escalation can save business costs and time. It is also better for the mental well-being of staff who work there.

Leadership and Management image with classroom instructor

Day 2: Developing a Great Team

How to practice the art of great leadership and management

On the second day, you'll reflect on the previous day's work and discover how it can be put into practice in real-time, in the real world with real people who have complex needs, aspirations, and priorities.

You'll learn:

  • how to practice assertiveness without it turning into aggression. Becoming a leader or team manager is a position of great responsibility and can be lonely. Not everyone in your team will agree with you or like you. Yet, your job is to make tough decisions professionally, even if it is not popular.
  • how to say 'no' without offending or creating conflict. Your time is limited and precious. First, understand what you're saying 'yes' to. This will make it easier to know what to say 'no' to in the most constructive possible way.
  • the power of language and how to use it effectively as a leader. Clear and consistent internal communication is key to a business running smoothly. You can communicate your vision, your strategy, the progress, and also any setbacks in a way that keeps the team pulling in the same direction. The language you use will make all the difference.
  • how to elicit employee engagement in the workplace. Happy and engaged employees are significantly more productive than their unhappy counterparts. It makes economic sense to actively create workplace happiness.
  • how to empower employees through acknowledgement, autonomy, and accountability. You learn simple ways to achieve greater engagement by how you treat people and how you make them feel.
  • how to motivate, not manipulate. Jay has to find out what motivates every individual member of his team because they are all motivated by different things. Salary is not a primary motivator. A leader's job is even tougher. How do you achieve outstanding outcomes working with a disparate group of talented people who don't want to be managed?
  • how to avoid, identify and treat burnout. Recognizing the signs of burnout is always easier after the event and is expensive. A proactive approach means taking the necessary steps to alleviate stress and deal with those affected in a sensitive and non-patronizing way.
  • how to create an actionable plan that you can take with you into your workplace and practice what you learned straight away.

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Day 3: Conflict Management 

Leadership in times of crisis

About this Conflict Management Training Module

Left undiagnosed, conflict in the workplace destroys productivity, derails projects, and crushes morale. Badly managed conflict in the workplace causes major damage to team productivity.

In conflict management:

The first step is to diagnose conflict before it intensifies, apply conflict resolution techniques to specific situations while remaining calm under pressure. Most importantly learn to recognize your own conflict response style and others' conflict response styles so you can apply different strategies according to a particular situation or person.

Why conflict management:

Conflict is challenging at times, but there's usually an undercurrent of upset. There are two sides to every coin and frank discussions are beneficial when conducted respectfully. With sufficient knowledge of the personalities and conflict response styles, managers not only resolve the conflict but also benefit from it.

Great communication skills are the most important attributes in a manager's possession. With clear and effective communication not only is conflict avoidable, but it can also increase the positive energy around the workplace.

When leading employees, effective communication sets expectations and helps staff to create their own achievable targets. Monitor performance and provide helpful feedback that keeps staff on track for optimum results.

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Day 4: Time Management

More time for what really matters!

About this Time Management Training Module

Are you tired of your never-ending to-do list? And even when you finish everything on it, do you still feel like you haven't accomplished anything meaningful? Between the responsibilities of work, relationships, and personal well-being, there seems to be little time to do everything you need to do, and managing the time available can be overwhelming.

Time is the most valuable asset we have. Correct time management leads to a more successful, efficient, effective, and fulfilling life and helps eliminate stress and overwhelm from both our personal and professional life. The strategies taught in this program free you from endless to-do lists and instead put your focus on purposeful action that drives real and consistent results.

Effective time management implies that you know the difference between managing activities and managing results. In order to align a group of diverse individuals with different values and mindsets to produce measurable results, you must learn to focus people on a common outcome or result. In most organizations, managers are activity managers instead of results managers. The problem with managing activities is that you can complete your to-do is and get all the activities done without achieving anything meaningful or valuable for your customers. With a results-focused and purpose-driven organization, you create an opportunity to fulfill this mission while simultaneously giving the people who work there the ability to find meaning in what they do. The Result Planning Method (RPM) provides the solution for taking massive amounts of information, input, activities, requests, demands, phone calls, etc., and bringing them into a focus that produces measurable results.

The first thing to cover is planning and conducting effective meetings. Great meetings build cooperation and increase teamwork as well as the efficiency of everyone involved. Secondly, learn to lead the team in a way that lets staff feel encouraged, inspired, and ready to exceed expectations.

When meetings are led effectively, they can have an enormously positive impact on an organization's outcomes. This also helps to make the most of your and the entire team's time and skills.

The purpose of a time management training course is to achieve a higher level of productivity and maintain it. If you improve your time management skills, you make more progress in less time, you achieve quicker results and you enjoy the process. You can eliminate procrastination, plan, prioritize and develop a proactive approach to your daily life.

We often complain that we don't have enough time yet we spend time on meaningless conversations in the breakroom, and we waste time browsing through social media during work. Procrastination kills time. An excellent time manager doesn't require that you become a workaholic. On the contrary, effective time management allows you more time to address the things that really matter. After all, time is a non-renewable resource.

Failing to plan is planning to fail. We must prioritize your working day. Being busy is no excuse. The real question is, what are you busy with? Many people do not prioritize well. So, they deliver tasks in random order. Planning is the main area explored during the course. With effective planning, we can significantly reduce stress levels and the feeling of overwhelm. It also prevents us from dealing with problems as they arise rather than strategically planning to avoid them.

This time management skills training helps you deliver more from each day, by bringing greater awareness to how you spend your time each day, and once and for all, stop others from stealing your time and make the most of your day while enjoying the journey with RPS.

You will love this time management and personal effectiveness module which is designed to provide time management tools, techniques, information, skills and knowledge you need to radically improve the quality of your working day.

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Work Place Environment - Day 5

How to improve the workplace environment?

Say the term 40-hours workweek to most of us who hold managerial positions and we will laugh out loud. The reason? Pure and simple, some weeks we can double that number. When you take all the extra hours you work from home, some of us even get up into the triple digits in one week. Bear in mind that one week has only 168 hours.

While managers tend to spend heaps of extra time in the office, increasingly, employees are also dedicating a lot of their lives to their jobs. Our employees are spending such a huge proportion of their lives at work, and so it is more important than ever that they have a positive work environment in which to do so.

The workplace environment impacts employee morale, productivity, and engagement - both positively and negatively. A healthy workplace environment is ideal when it comes to maintaining a positive outcome in a stressful atmosphere. The most important thing that influences employee motivation and happiness, and how productive and efficient they can be, all goes down to their working environment.

Research shows that small investments in their employee's mental and physical well-being can pay huge dividends in productivity, innovation, employee retention, and customer satisfaction. The results are so transformative that employee well-being is now considered the new competitive business edge.

In this course, you will discover the secrets to creating a workplace in which employees are happy, healthy, engaged, and invested. The course offers insights from the rapidly growing field of positive psychology and the study of how human beings thrive and focuses on proven strategies to promote high levels of well-being in your employees and in you. These things are mindfulness, compassion, learning, engagement, meaning, and autonomy.

Productivity is essentially about the best use of time and resources. Creating an office environment that allows employees to enhance their capabilities requires research, not luck. Companies realize that the next competitive frontier in business success is employee experience. The experience that employees establish in the workplace shapes their engagement and success, and organizations that focus on employee experience attract and retain top talent. A poor environment brings everyone down

We've all been there in an office where one person is feeling down and despondent. Maybe they are displaying outward signs of hostility. These negative feelings start to bring everyone else down with them. While a workplace superstar can bring everyone up to their level, negative staff drag everyone down. Negativity is contagious, and one person's bad attitude can completely destroy the office's atmosphere. This will make other employees feel down and it can even make them feel like they can also behave badly, after all, our colleague opposite gets away with it, so why can't I?

A positive environment changes everything

If a poor work environment can destroy your business, a positive work environment has the opposite effect. When your employees are happy, satisfied, and engaged, they are more likely to do their best work. Their productivity soars, and they make fewer mistakes. While negativity is contagious, so too is positivity.

Well-being can be defined as a mental state characterized by positive feelings and positive functioning. Research in positive psychology and neuroscience shows that we have the power to boost our own well-being. Much of our well-being depends on our thoughts and actions, so we can learn ways of thinking and acting that are good for our well-being.

Take action now!

This is the course that will change your personal and professional destiny. Send us a message from the Contacts page or sign up directly on a scheduled date (at the top of the page). Or for more details call Tracy on 0330 043 2677 - I look forward to working with you - Banu.


  • 5 days - that's a long time to be in class. But the week flashed by. Really enjoyed the style and the content and the atmosphere in class. It was relaxed and supportive and everybody's contribution was welcomed. Thank you - very enjoyable.
    Emilia Sanchez
  • To be honest, I was unhappy that my manager sent me on this course. I've been around a long time and I thought I knew my stuff. However, what I learnt here is that there are so many really interesting and elegant ways of improving myself, my mindset and my relationships with everybody I interact with. Thank you for this eye-opening adventure. Best wishes Terry
    Terry Chapman
  • Loved this course. There was a lot to take in, but I liked the pace and the flow of the sessions. It was a highly collaborative exercise with my colleagues in class and I think we learnt a great deal from each other's knowledge and experience. Banu was incredibly knowledgeable and kept us engaged throughout. Many thanks for a great learning experience - Amro.
    Amro Jamil
  • I come from a technical/engineering background and my focus has always been on problem-solving. Since my promotion to team manager I stopped enjoying work because I was separated from the love of my hands-on experience. That said, I think I can start again with renewed emphasis of building a team and facilitating change for a significant number of people. It's a change of mindset and a whole change of emphasis, and I now believe that I can make that happen. It's a different form of fulfillment. Thank you Banu for being a powerful female leader and not settling for second-best in your life and career.
    Hala Berami


We offer a totally confidential service and encourage liaising with clients before they consider booking courses. We recognise the significant investment in your time and resources. We accept your tight timescales and eagerness to take the next steps. Our payment options are practical and simple. For your security, we hold no client payment details online. With ever sophisticated cybercrime, your safety and security are paramount.

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The College of Public Speaking is the UK's leading specialist public speaking organisation.
All of our trainers are not just qualified in their field, but passionate specialists who live and thrive in that sphere.
Our guarantee is that you'll enjoy a great learning experience at our course centre in King's Cross.
The venue is a 10-minute walk from the London Underground, British Rail, and the Eurostar terminals.
Accessibility is key - so come and join us within the next month. Check our Offers page to see what's hot this month.


  • "An exceptionally useful day's training, delivered in a positive and personanable manner, very enjoyable and significant food for thought. Thank You."

    Diane Wilson - DCI Notts Police
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